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Clever Use of RDP to Help the Construction Industry

May. 24, 2024

What is Redispersible polymer powder?


Redispersible Polymer Powder, or RDP for short, is a polymer powder made by a special process. Originally in the form of an emulsion, it is spray-dried or freeze-dried to a powder form for easy storage, transportation and use. RDP can be quickly re-dispersed into an emulsion when exposed to water and regains its original bonding, film-forming and other properties.


Fields of Application


Redispersible polymer powders form a film after dispersion and act as a second binder for reinforcement. The protective colloid is absorbed by the mortar system (after film formation it is not destroyed by water or “secondary dispersion”). The film-forming polymer resin is distributed throughout the mortar system as reinforcement, thus increasing the cohesion of the mortar.


Redispersible Polymer Powder can be mixed with hydraulic binders to form synthetic resin modified premixes. All that is required for use is the addition of water. This not only avoids errors during mixing on the construction site, but also increases the safety of product handling.


RDP has a wide range of applications in many fields such as construction materials, coatings and adhesives. In the field of construction, RDP is commonly used to prepare various mortars and putties, such as tile adhesives, interior and exterior wall putties, and thermal insulation mortars. Its excellent bonding and film-forming properties can significantly improve the strength and durability of mortar, and at the same time improve its construction performance. In the field of coatings and adhesives, RDP can enhance the adhesion and water resistance of coatings, and improve the bonding strength and weather resistance of adhesives.


As a high-performance additive for construction materials, RDP plays an important role in the fields of construction, coatings and adhesives, and has a wide range of application prospects.


What are the Advantages of RDP?


Easy storage and transportation

RDP exists in the form of powder, compared with the emulsion form, it is easier to store and transport, and not easy to deteriorate.

Easy to use

RDP can be quickly dispersed into emulsion by mixing with water without complicated equipment or process.

Excellent performance

RDP has excellent bonding, film-forming and water resistance properties, which can significantly improve the performance of mortar, paint and adhesive.

Environmental protection and energy saving

RDP does not produce harmful substances during production and use, which meets the requirements of environmental protection. At the same time, due to its excellent performance, it can reduce the amount of materials used, thus reducing energy consumption and waste emissions.

Strong applicability

RDP is suitable for a variety of different application scenarios and substrates, and can meet the needs of different customers.

Jinan Jintedifu Chemical Co., Ltd. provides high quality and efficient redispersible polymer powder.

If you want to know more about HPMC for construction, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Clever Use of RDP to Help the Construction Industry

Edit author: Vicky Jiang


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